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< Cara wins at CACIB Wieselburg
28.05.2012 22:27 Age: 12 yrs
Category: Cara

Cara is Hungarian Grand Champion

We spent the long weekend (Whitsunday, Whitmonday) in Komarom, Hungary. On 3 day we participated in 4 shows in total. For the first time Cara started in Champion class. 

On the Saturday CACIB show Cara got CAC and CACIB. On the poodle club speciality show on Saturday afternoon Cara got CAC, Clubwinner and BOB. On the Sunday CACIB show she got CAC, CACIB and BOB. Last but not least on the Monday CAC show she got CAC and BOB.

Many thanks to the judges Mr. Gyula Sárközy (H), Mrs. Erika Homonnai (A), Dr. Zsuzsanna Váczi-Balogh (H), and Mr. Ferenc Gröschl (H).

The conditions for the Hungarian Grand Champion are 4 CACs in champion class on any international, national or speciality show. On one of these shows BOB is required additionally.

Cara fulfilled these conditions easily . Hence Cara is now Hungarian Grand Champion. We are so proud of her!

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